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Japanese Patent Act in English Chapters 8 through 11

Here is Japanese Patent Act translated into English (Japanese Enligsh correcpondence table format) as of the year of 2012.
This translation is provided by the Government of Japan. However, please note that this translation is unofficial and that only the original Japanese texts have legal effect. Please note also the following texts are not necessarily updated.

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Contents of Japanese Patent Act in English

Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Patents and Patent Applications
Chapter III Examination
Chapter III-2 Laying Open of Applications
Chapter IV Patent Rights
Chapter VI Trial
Chapter VII Retrial
Chapter VIII Litigation
Chapter IX Special Provisions Concerning International Applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty
Chapter X Miscellaneous Provisions
Chapter XI Penal Provisions

Japanese and English texts of Chapters 8 through 11 of Japanese Patent Act

Patent Act
Act No. 121 of April 13, 1959
第八章 訴訟
Chapter VIII Litigation
(Actions against trial decisions, etc.)
第百七十八条 審決に対する訴え及び審判又は再審の請求書の却下の決定に対する訴えは、東京高等裁判所の専属管轄とする。
Article 178 The Tokyo High Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any action against a trial decision or a ruling to dismiss a written request for a trial or a retrial.
2 前項の訴えは、当事者、参加人又は当該審判若しくは再審に参加を申請してその申請を拒否された者に限り、提起することができる。
(2) An action under paragraph (1) may be instituted only by a party in the case, an intervenor, or a person whose application for intervention in the trial or in the retrial has been refused.
3 第一項の訴えは、審決又は決定の謄本の送達があつた日から三十日を経過した後は、提起することができない。
(3) An action under paragraph (1) may not be instituted after the expiration of thirty days from the date on which a certified copy of the trial decision or the ruling has been served.
4 前項の期間は、不変期間とする。
(4) The time limit as provided in the preceding paragraph shall be invariable.
5 審判長は、遠隔又は交通不便の地にある者のため、職権で、前項の不変期間についての附加期間を定めることができる。
(5) The chief trial examiner may ex officio designate an additional period extending the invariable time limit under the preceding paragraph for a person in a remote area or an area with transportation difficulty.
6 審判を請求することができる事項に関する訴えは、審決に対するものでなければ、提起することができない。
(6) An action with regard to a matter for which a request for a trial may be made may be instituted only against a trial decision.
(Appropriate party as defendant)
第百七十九条 前条第一項の訴えにおいては、特許庁長官を被告としなければならない。ただし、特許無効審判若しくは延長登録無効審判又はこれらの審判の確定審決に対する第百七十一条第一項の再審の審決に対するものにあつては、その審判又は再審の請求人又は被請求人を被告としなければならない。
Article 179 In an action under Article 178(1), the Commissioner of the Patent Office shall be the defendant; provided, however, that in the case of an action against a trial decision in a trial for patent invalidation, or a trial for invalidation of the registration of extension of duration, or in a retrial under Article 171(1) against a final and binding trial decision in such trial, the demandant or the demandee in the trial or retrial shall be the defendant.
(Notice of institution of action)
第百八十条 裁判所は、前条ただし書に規定する訴の提起があつたときは、遅滞なく、その旨を特許庁長官に通知しなければならない。
Article 180 Where an action under the proviso to Article 179 has been instituted, the court shall notify the Commissioner of the Patent Office thereof without delay.
(Opinion of the Commissioner of the Patent Office in litigation rescinding the trial decision)
第百八十条の二 裁判所は、第百七十九条ただし書に規定する訴えの提起があつたときは、特許庁長官に対し、当該事件に関するこの法律の適用その他の必要な事項について、意見を求めることができる。
Article 180-2 Where an action under the proviso to Article 179 is instituted, the court may seek the opinion of the Commissioner of the Patent Office regarding the application of this Act or any other necessary matters relating to such case.
2 特許庁長官は、第百七十九条ただし書に規定する訴えの提起があつたときは、裁判所の許可を得て、裁判所に対し、当該事件に関するこの法律の適用その他の必要な事項について、意見を述べることができる。
(2) Where an action under the proviso to Article 179 is instituted, upon the court’s consent, the Commissioner of the Patent Office may express his/her opinions to the court regarding the application of this Act or any other necessary matters relating to such case.
3 特許庁長官は、特許庁の職員でその指定する者に前二項の意見を述べさせることができる。
(3) The Commissioner of the Patent Office may designate another Patent Office official to express the Commissioner’s opinions for the purpose of the preceding two paragraphs.
(Rescission of the trial decision or ruling)
第百八十一条 裁判所は、第百七十八条第一項の訴えの提起があつた場合において、当該請求を理由があると認めるときは、当該審決又は決定を取り消さなければならない。
Article 181 Where the court finds for the plaintiff in an action instituted under Article 178(1), it shall rescind the trial decision or ruling.
2 裁判所は、特許無効審判の審決に対する第百七十八条第一項の訴えの提起があつた場合において、特許権者が当該訴えに係る特許について訴えの提起後に訂正審判を請求し、又は請求しようとしていることにより、当該特許を無効にすることについて特許無効審判においてさらに審理させることが相当であると認めるときは、事件を審判官に差し戻すため、決定をもつて、当該審決を取り消すことができる。
(2) When an action against a decision in a trial for patent invalidation is instituted under Article 178(1), and the court finds it appropriate to cause the trial examiners in a trial for patent invalidation to carry out further proceedings with regard to whether or not the said patent shall be invalidated, on the basis that the patentee has filed a request or will file a request for a trial for correction with regard to the patent in question in the action after such action is brought, the court may rescind the said trial decision by a ruling in order to return the case to the trial examiners.
3 裁判所は、前項の規定による決定をするときは、当事者の意見を聴かなければならない。
(3) Before rendering a ruling under the preceding paragraph, the court shall hear the opinions of the parties.
4 第二項の決定は、審判官その他の第三者に対しても効力を有する。
(4) The ruling under paragraph (2) shall have effect on the trial examiners and any other third parties.
5 審判官は、第一項の規定による審決若しくは決定の取消しの判決又は第二項の規定による審決の取消しの決定が確定したときは、さらに審理を行い、審決又は決定をしなければならない。
(5) When the court’s decision rescinding a trial decision or ruling under paragraph (1) or the court’s ruling rescinding a trial decision under paragraph (2) has become final and binding, the trial examiners shall carry out further proceedings and render a trial decision or ruling.
(Delivery of original copy of judgment)
第百八十二条 裁判所は、第百七十九条ただし書に規定する訴について訴訟手続が完結したときは、遅滞なく、特許庁長官に各審級の裁判の正本を送付しなければならない。
Article 182 Where the court procedures with respect to an action under the proviso to Article 179 have been concluded, the court shall, without delay, deliver the original copy of the judgment rendered by the court of each instance to the Commissioner of the Patent Office.
(Composition of panel)
第百八十二条の二 第百七十八条第一項の訴えに係る事件については、五人の裁判官の合議体で審理及び裁判をする旨の決定をその合議体ですることができる。
Article 182-2 With respect to an action under Article 178(1), the ruling that proceedings and judgment shall be rendered by a panel consisting of five judges may be made if so determined by the said panel.
(Action against amount of compensation)
第百八十三条 第八十三条第二項、第九十二条第三項若しくは第四項又は第九十三条第二項の裁定を受けた者は、その裁定で定める対価の額について不服があるときは、訴えを提起してその額の増減を求めることができる。
Article 183 A person(s) who has received an award under Article 83(2), 92(3), 92(4), or 93(2) may, if not satisfied with the amount of the compensation determined in the award, institute an action demanding an increase or decrease of the said amount.
2 前項の訴えは、裁定の謄本の送達があつた日から六月を経過した後は、提起することができない。
(2) An action under the preceding paragraph may not be instituted after the expiration of six months from the date on which a certified copy of the award has been served.
(Appropriate party as defendant)
第百八十四条 前条第一項の訴えにおいては、次に掲げる者を被告としなければならない。
Article 184 In an action under Article 183(1), the following person shall have standing as a defendant:
一 第八十三条第二項、第九十二条第四項又は第九十三条第二項の裁定については、通常実施権者又は特許権者若しくは専用実施権者
(i) in an action against an award under Article 83(2), 92(4) or 93(2), the non-exclusive licensee, patentee or exclusive licensee; and
二 第九十二条第三項の裁定については、通常実施権者又は第七十二条の他人
(ii) in an action against an award under Article 92(3), the non-exclusive licensee or the other person under Article 72.
(Relationship between (administrative) objection and litigation)
第百八十四条の二 この法律又はこの法律に基づく命令の規定による処分(第百九十五条の四に規定する処分を除く。)の取消しの訴えは、当該処分についての異議申立て又は審査請求に対する決定又は裁決を経た後でなければ、提起することができない。
Article 184-2 An action demanding the rescission of dispositions imposed by this Act or an order thereunder (excluding dispositions under Article 195(4)), may be instituted only after the rendering of a ruling or an award on an objection against the dispositions or on the request for examination thereof.
第九章 特許協力条約に基づく国際出願に係る特例
Chapter IX Special Provisions Concerning International Applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty
(Patent application based on international application)
第百八十四条の三 千九百七十年六月十九日にワシントンで作成された特許協力条約(以下この章において「条約」という。)第十一条(1)若しくは(2)(b)又は第十四条(2)の規定に基づく国際出願日が認められた国際出願であつて、条約第四条(1)(ii)の指定国に日本国を含むもの(特許出願に係るものに限る。)は、その国際出願日にされた特許出願とみなす。
Article 184-3 An international application (a patent application only) to which the international application date is accorded under Article 11(1), 11(2)(b) or 14(2) of the Patent Cooperation Treaty signed in Washington on June 19, 1970 (hereinafter referred to as the “Treaty” in this Chapter) and which specifies Japan as a designated State under Article 4(1)(ii) of the Treaty shall be deemed to be a patent application filed on the said international application date.
2 前項の規定により特許出願とみなされた国際出願(以下「国際特許出願」という。)については、第四十三条(第四十三条の二第三項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定は、適用しない。
(2) Article 43 (including its mutatis mutandis application under Article 43-2(3)) shall not apply to the international application deemed to be a patent application under the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as “international patent application”).
(Translations of international patent application in foreign language)
第百八十四条の四 外国語でされた国際特許出願(以下「外国語特許出願」という。)の出願人は、条約第二条(xi)の優先日(以下「優先日」という。)から二年六月(以下「国内書面提出期間」という。)以内に、前条第一項に規定する国際出願日(以下「国際出願日」という。)における条約第三条(2)に規定する明細書、請求の範囲、図面(図面の中の説明に限る。)及び要約の日本語による翻訳文を、特許庁長官に提出しなければならない。ただし、国内書面提出期間の満了前二月から満了の日までの間に次条第一項に規定する書面を提出した外国語特許出願(当該書面の提出の日以前に当該翻訳文を提出したものを除く。)にあつては、当該書面の提出の日から二月(以下「翻訳文提出特例期間」という。)以内に、当該翻訳文を提出することができる。
Article 184-4 An applicant of an international patent application in foreign language (hereinafter referred to as a “patent application in foreign language”) shall submit to the Commissioner of the Patent Office Japanese translations of the description, scope of claims, drawings (the descriptive text in such drawings only), and the abstract, as provided in Article 3(2) of the Treaty, as of the international application date as provided in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to as the “international application date”) within the period from the priority date under Article 2 (xi) of the Treaty (hereinafter referred to as the “priority date”), to two years and six months (hereinafter referred to as the “time limit for the submission of national documents”) therefrom; provided, however, that the applicant of a patent application in foreign language who has submitted the document under paragraph (1) of the following Article during the period from two months before the expiration of the Time Limit for the Submission of National Documents to the expiry date thereof (excluding the case where the said translations have been submitted prior to the submission of the said documents) may submit the said translations within two months from the date of submission of the said document (hereinafter referred to as the “special time limit for the submission of translations”).
2 前項の場合において、外国語特許出願の出願人が条約第十九条(1)の規定に基づく補正をしたときは、同項に規定する請求の範囲の翻訳文に代えて、当該補正後の請求の範囲の翻訳文を提出することができる。
(2) In the case of the preceding paragraph, where the applicant of the patent application in foreign language has made an amendment under Article 19(1) of the Treaty, the applicant may, in lieu of the translation of scope of the claim(s) as provided in the preceding paragraph, submit a translation of the amended scope of claim(s).
3 国内書面提出期間(第一項ただし書の外国語特許出願にあつては、翻訳文提出特例期間。次項において同じ。)内に第一項に規定する明細書の翻訳文及び前二項に規定する請求の範囲の翻訳文の提出がなかつたときは、その国際特許出願は、取り下げられたものとみなす。
(3) Where the translation of the description as provided in paragraph (1) and the translation of the scope of claim(s) as provided in the preceding two paragraphs have not been submitted within the Time Limit for the Submission of National Documents (in the case of a patent application in foreign language under the proviso to paragraph (1), the Special Time Limit for the Submission of Translations, hereinafter the same shall apply in the following paragraph), the international patent application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.
4 第一項に規定する請求の範囲の翻訳文を提出した出願人は、条約第十九条(1)の規定に基づく補正をしたときは、国内書面提出期間が満了する時(国内書面提出期間内に出願人が出願審査の請求をするときは、その請求の時。以下「国内処理基準時」という。)の属する日までに限り、当該補正後の請求の範囲の日本語による翻訳文を更に提出することができる。
(4) Where an amendment under Article 19(1) of the Treaty has been made, an applicant who has submitted the translation of the scope of claim(s) as provided in paragraph (1) may further submit a Japanese translation of the said amended scope of claim(s) no later than the date on which the Time Limit for the Submission of National Documents expires (the time of requesting where the applicant requests the examination of the application within the Time Limit for the Submission of National Documents, hereinafter referred to as the “national processing standard time”).
5 第百八十四条の七第三項本文の規定は、第二項又は前項に規定する翻訳文が提出されなかつた場合に準用する。
(5) The main clause of Article 184-7(3) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case where the translation under paragraph (2) or the preceding paragraph has not been submitted.
(Submission of documents and order to amend procedures)
第百八十四条の五 国際特許出願の出願人は、国内書面提出期間内に、次に掲げる事項を記載した書面を特許庁長官に提出しなければならない。
Article 184-5 An applicant of an international patent application shall submit a document to the Commissioner of the Patent Office within the Time Limit for the Submission of National Documents stating the following:
一 出願人の氏名又は名称及び住所又は居所
(i) the name, and the domicile or residence of the applicant;
二 発明者の氏名及び住所又は居所
(ii) the name, and the domicile or residence of the inventor; and
三 国際出願番号その他の経済産業省令で定める事項
(iii) matters as provided by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, including the international application number.
2 特許庁長官は、次に掲げる場合は、相当の期間を指定して、手続の補正をすべきことを命ずることができる。
(2) The Commissioner of the Patent Office may order the amendment of procedures for an applicant, designating an adequate time limit, in the following cases:
一 前項の規定により提出すべき書面を、国内書面提出期間内に提出しないとき。
(i) where the document to be submitted under the preceding paragraph is not submitted within the Time Limit for the Submission of National Documents;
二 前項の規定による手続が第七条第一項から第三項まで又は第九条の規定に違反しているとき。
(ii) where the procedure as provided in the preceding paragraph does not comply with paragraphs (1) to (3) of Article 7or Article 9;
三 前項の規定による手続が経済産業省令で定める方式に違反しているとき。
(iii) where the procedure as provided in the preceding paragraph does not comply with the formal requirements as provided by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry;
四 前条第一項の規定により提出すべき要約の翻訳文を、国内書面提出期間(前条第一項ただし書の外国語特許出願にあつては、翻訳文提出特例期間)内に提出しないとき。
(iv) where a translation of the abstract to be submitted under paragraph (1) of the preceding Article is not submitted within the Time Limit for the Submission of National Documents (in the case of a patent application in foreign language under the proviso to paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, the Special Time Limit for the Submission of Translations); and
五 第百九十五条第二項の規定により納付すべき手数料を国内書面提出期間内に納付しないとき。
(v) where the fees payable under Article 195(2) are not paid within the Time Limit for the Submission of National Documents.
3 特許庁長官は、前項の規定により手続の補正をすべきことを命じた者が同項の規定により指定した期間内にその補正をしないときは、当該国際特許出願を却下することができる。
(3) Where the person ordered to amend a procedure under the preceding paragraph does not make the amendment within the designated time limit under the said paragraph, the Commissioner of the Patent Office may dismiss the said international patent application.
(Effect, etc. of application, description, etc. of international application)
第百八十四条の六 国際特許出願に係る国際出願日における願書は、第三十六条第一項の規定により提出した願書とみなす。
Article 184-6 The application of an international patent application as of the international application date shall be deemed to be an application submitted under Article 36(1).
2 日本語でされた国際特許出願(以下「日本語特許出願」という。)に係る国際出願日における明細書及び外国語特許出願に係る国際出願日における明細書の翻訳文は第三十六条第二項の規定により願書に添付して提出した明細書と、日本語特許出願に係る国際出願日における請求の範囲及び外国語特許出願に係る国際出願日における請求の範囲の翻訳文は同項の規定により願書に添付して提出した特許請求の範囲と、日本語特許出願に係る国際出願日における図面並びに外国語特許出願に係る国際出願日における図面(図面の中の説明を除く。)及び図面の中の説明の翻訳文は同項の規定により願書に添付して提出した図面と、日本語特許出願に係る要約及び外国語特許出願に係る要約の翻訳文は同項の規定により願書に添付して提出した要約書とみなす。
(2) The description of an international patent application in the Japanese language (hereinafter referred to as a “patent application in Japanese language”) as of the international application date and translations of the description of a patent application in foreign language as of the international application date shall be deemed to be the description submitted with the application under Article 36(2); scope of claim(s) of a patent application in Japanese language as of the international application date and a translation of the scope of claim(s) of a patent application in foreign language as of the international application date shall be deemed to be the scope of claim(s) submitted with the application under the said paragraph; drawing(s) of a patent application in Japanese language as of the international application date, drawing(s) of a patent application in foreign language as of the international application date (excluding the descriptive text in the drawing(s)) and a translation of the descriptive text in the drawing(s) shall be deemed to be the drawing(s) submitted with the application under the said paragraph; and, the abstract of a patent application in Japanese language and a translation of the abstract of a patent application in foreign language shall be deemed to the abstract submitted with the application under the said paragraph.
3 第百八十四条の四第二項又は第四項の規定により条約第十九条(1)の規定に基づく補正後の請求の範囲の翻訳文が提出された場合は、前項の規定にかかわらず、当該補正後の請求の範囲の翻訳文を第三十六条第二項の規定により願書に添付して提出した特許請求の範囲とみなす。
(3) Where a translation of the amended scope of claim(s) under Article 19(1) of the Treaty is submitted as provided in Article 184-4(2) or (4), notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, a translation of the said amended scope of claim(s) shall be deemed to be the scope of claim(s) submitted with the application under Article 36(2).
(Amendment under Article 19 of the Treaty with regard to patent application in Japanese language)
第百八十四条の七 日本語特許出願の出願人は、条約第十九条(1)の規定に基づく補正をしたときは、国内処理基準時の属する日までに、同条(1)の規定に基づき提出された補正書の写しを特許庁長官に提出しなければならない。
Article 184-7 Where an applicant of a patent application in Japanese language has made an amendment under Article 19(1) of the Treaty, such applicant shall submit to the Commissioner of the Patent Office a copy of the written amendment submitted under Article 19(1) on or before the date which the National Processing Standard Time falls into.
2 前項の規定により補正書の写しが提出されたときは、その補正書の写しにより、願書に添付した特許請求の範囲について第十七条の二第一項の規定による補正がされたものとみなす。ただし、条約第二十条の規定に基づき前項に規定する期間内に補正書が特許庁に送達されたときは、その補正書により、補正がされたものとみなす。
(2) Where a copy of a written amendment has been submitted under the preceding paragraph, an amendment to the scope of claim(s) attached to the application shall be deemed to have been made under Article 17-2(1) by the said copy of the written amendment; provided, however, that where the written amendment has been served to the Patent Office under Article 20 of the Treaty within the time limit under the preceding paragraph, the amendment is deemed to have been made by the said written amendment.
3 第一項に規定する期間内に日本語特許出願の出願人により同項に規定する手続がされなかつたときは、条約第十九条(1)の規定に基づく補正は、されなかつたものとみなす。ただし、前項ただし書に規定するときは、この限りでない。
(3) Where the procedure under paragraph (1) has not been taken by the applicant of a patent application in Japanese language within the time limit under paragraph (1), no amendment under Article 19(1) of the Treaty shall be deemed to have been made; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the case as provided in the proviso to the preceding paragraph.
(Amendment under Article 34 of the Treaty)
第百八十四条の八 国際特許出願の出願人は、条約第三十四条(2)(b)の規定に基づく補正をしたときは、国内処理基準時の属する日までに、日本語特許出願に係る補正にあつては同条(2)(b)の規定に基づき提出された補正書の写しを、外国語特許出願に係る補正にあつては当該補正書の日本語による翻訳文を、特許庁長官に提出しなければならない。
Article 184-8 Where an applicant of an international patent application has made an amendment under Article 34(2)(b) of the Treaty, such applicant shall submit to the Commissioner of the Patent Office, in the case of amendment with regard to a patent application in Japanese language, a copy of the written amendment submitted under Article 34(2)(b) and, in the case of amendment with regard to a patent application in foreign language, a Japanese translation of the said written amendment, on or before the date which the National Processing Standard Time falls into.
2 前項の規定により補正書の写し又は補正書の翻訳文が提出されたときは、その補正書の写し又は補正書の翻訳文により、願書に添付した明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面について第十七条の二第一項の規定による補正がされたものとみなす。ただし、日本語特許出願に係る補正につき条約第三十六条(3)(a)の規定に基づき前項に規定する期間内に補正書が特許庁に送達されたときは、その補正書により、補正がされたものとみなす。
(2) Where a copy of the written amendment or a translation of the written amendment has been submitted under the preceding paragraph, an amendment to the description, scope of claim(s) or drawing(s) attached to the application shall be deemed to have been made under Article 17-2(1) by the copy of the written amendment or the translation of the written amendment; provided, however, that where the written amendment with regard to a patent application in Japanese language has been served to the Patent Office under Article 36(3)(a) of the Treaty within the time limit under the preceding paragraph, the amendment is deemed to have been made by the said written amendment.
3 第一項に規定する期間内に国際特許出願の出願人により同項に規定する手続がされなかつたときは、条約第三十四条(2)(b)の規定に基づく補正は、されなかつたものとみなす。ただし、前項ただし書に規定するときは、この限りでない。
(3) Where the procedure under paragraph (1) has not been taken by the applicant of an international patent application within the time limit under paragraph (1), no amendment under Article 34(2)(b) of the Treaty shall be deemed to have been made; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the case as provided in the proviso to the preceding paragraph.
4 第二項の規定により外国語特許出願に係る願書に添付した明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面について第十七条の二第一項の規定による補正がされたものとみなされたときは、その補正は同条第二項の誤訳訂正書を提出してされたものとみなす。
(4) Where, in accordance with paragraph (2), an amendment to the description, scope of claims or drawings attached to the application with regard to a patent application in foreign language has been deemed to have been made under Article 17-2(1), such amendment shall be deemed to have been made by submitting the written correction of incorrect translation as provided in Article 17-2(2).
(National publication, etc.)
第百八十四条の九 特許庁長官は、第百八十四条の四第一項の規定により翻訳文が提出された外国語特許出願について、特許掲載公報の発行をしたものを除き、国内書面提出期間(第百八十四条の四第一項ただし書の外国語特許出願にあつては、翻訳文提出特例期間。以下この項において同じ。)の経過後(国内書面提出期間内に出願人から出願審査の請求があつた国際特許出願であつて条約第二十一条に規定する国際公開(以下「国際公開」という。)がされているものについては、出願審査の請求の後)、遅滞なく、国内公表をしなければならない。
Article 184-9 The national publication of a patent application in foreign language, a translation of which has been submitted under Article 184-4, excluding a patent application in foreign language, gazette containing the patent of which has been published, shall be effected, without delay, by the Commissioner of the Patent Office after the lapse of the Time Limit for the Submission of National Documents (in the case of a patent application in foreign language under the proviso to Article 184-4(1), the Special Time Limit for the Submission of Translations, hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) (in the case of an international patent application for which the applicant has requested an examination of the patent application within the Time Limit for the Submission of National Documents and of which the international publication under Article 21 of the Treaty (hereinafter referred to as “international publication”) has been effected, after such request for the examination of the patent application).
2 国内公表は、次に掲げる事項を特許公報に掲載することにより行う。
(2) National publication shall be effected by publishing the following matters in the patent gazette:
一 出願人の氏名又は名称及び住所又は居所
(i) the name, and the domicile or residence of the applicant;
二 特許出願の番号
(ii) the filing number of the application;
三 国際出願日
(iii) the international application date;
四 発明者の氏名及び住所又は居所
(iv) the name, and the domicile or residence of the inventor;
五 第百八十四条の四第一項に規定する明細書及び図面の中の説明の翻訳文に記載した事項、同項に規定する請求の範囲の翻訳文(同条第二項に規定する翻訳文が提出された場合にあつては、当該翻訳文)及び同条第四項に規定する翻訳文に記載した事項、図面(図面の中の説明を除く。)の内容並びに要約の翻訳文に記載した事項(特許公報に掲載することが公の秩序又は善良の風俗を害するおそれがあると特許庁長官が認めるものを除く。)
(v) the matters stated in the translations of the description and the descriptive text in the drawing(s) as provided in Article 184-4(1); the matters stated in the translation of the scope of claim(s) (in the case where a translation has been submitted under paragraph (2) of the said Article, the said translation); the matters stated in the translation under paragraph (4) of the said Article; the contents of the drawing(s) (excluding the descriptive text in the drawing(s)); and the matters stated in the translation of the abstract (excluding matters, recognized by the Commissioner of the Patent Office, to be liable to contravene public order or morality by stating those in the patent gazette);
六 国内公表の番号及び年月日
(vi) the number and the date of the national publication; and
七 前各号に掲げるもののほか、必要な事項
(vii) other necessary matters.
3 第六十四条第三項の規定は、前項の規定により同項第五号の要約の翻訳文に記載した事項を特許公報に掲載する場合に準用する。
(3) Article 64(3) shall apply mutatis mutandis where the matters stated in the translation of the abstract as provided in item (v) of the preceding paragraph are to be contained in the patent gazette under the preceding paragraph.
4 第六十四条の規定は、国際特許出願には、適用しない。
(4) Article 64 shall not apply to an international patent application.
5 国際特許出願については、第四十八条の五第一項、第四十八条の六、第六十六条第三項ただし書、第百二十八条、第百八十六条第一項第一号及び第二号並びに第百九十三条第二項第一号、第二号、第六号及び第九号中「出願公開」とあるのは、日本語特許出願にあつては「第百八十四条の九第一項の国際公開」と、外国語特許出願にあつては、「第百八十四条の九第一項の国内公表」とする。
(5) For the purpose of an international patent application, the term “the laying open of the patent application” in Articles 48-5(1), 48-6, the proviso to 66(3), 128, 186(1)(i) and (ii) and 193(2)(i), (ii), (vi) and (ix) shall be deemed to be replaced with “the international publication under Article 184-9(1)” in the case of a patent application in Japanese language and “the national publication under Article 184-9(1)” in the case of a patent application in foreign language.
6 外国語特許出願に係る証明等の請求については、第百八十六条第一項第一号中「又は第六十七条の二第二項の資料」とあるのは「又は千九百七十年六月十九日にワシントンで作成された特許協力条約第三条(2)に規定する国際出願の願書、明細書、請求の範囲、図面若しくは要約(特許権の設定の登録がされた国際特許出願に係るもの又は国際公開がされたものを除く。)」とする。
(6) For the purpose of a request for a certificate, etc., with regard to a patent application in foreign language, the term “or the materials under Article 67-2(2)” in Article 186(1)(i) shall be deemed to be replaced with “or an application, a description, scope of claim(s), drawing(s), or an abstract in an international application under Article 3(2) of the Patent Cooperation Treaty signed in Washington on June 19, 1970 (excluding those with regard to an international patent application where the establishment of a patent right has been registered has been made or those contained in the international publication).”
7 国際特許出願に関し特許公報に掲載すべき事項については、第百九十三条第二項第三号中「出願公開後における」とあるのは、「国際公開がされた国際特許出願に係る」とする。
(7) For the purpose of the matters to be contained in the patent gazette with regard to an international patent application, the term “after the laying open of a patent application” in Article 193(2)(iii) shall be deemed to be replaced with “with regard to an international patent application, the international publication of which has been effected.”
(Effect etc., of international publication and National Publication)
第百八十四条の十 国際特許出願の出願人は、日本語特許出願については国際公開があつた後に、外国語特許出願については国内公表があつた後に、国際特許出願に係る発明の内容を記載した書面を提示して警告をしたときは、その警告後特許権の設定の登録前に業としてその発明を実施した者に対し、その発明が特許発明である場合にその実施に対し受けるべき金銭の額に相当する額の補償金の支払を請求することができる。当該警告をしない場合においても、日本語特許出願については国際公開がされた国際特許出願に係る発明であることを知つて特許権の設定の登録前に、外国語特許出願については国内公表がされた国際特許出願に係る発明であることを知つて特許権の設定の登録前に、業としてその発明を実施した者に対しては、同様とする。
Article 184-10 After the international publication of a patent application in the case of a patent application in Japanese language, or after the national publication of a patent application in the case of a patent application in foreign language, where the applicant of the international patent application has given warning with documents stating the contents of the invention claimed in the international patent application, the applicant of the international patent application may claim compensation against a person who has worked the invention as a business after the warning, prior to the registration establishing a patent right, and the amount of compensation shall be equivalent to the amount the applicant(s) would be entitled to receive for the working of the invention if the invention were patented. Even where the said warning has not been given, the same shall apply to a person who worked the invention as a business prior to the registration establishing a patent right, in the case of a patent application in Japanese language, with knowledge of the invention having been claimed in the international patent application that the international publication has been effected, or, in the case of a patent application in foreign language, with knowledge of the invention having been claimed in the international patent application that the national publication has been effected.
2 第六十五条第二項から第五項までの規定は、前項の規定により請求権を行使する場合に準用する。
(2) Paragraphs (2) to (5) of Article 65 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the exercise of the right to claim compensation under the preceding paragraph.
(Special provisions concerning patent administrators for overseas residents)
第百八十四条の十一 在外者である国際特許出願の出願人は、国内処理基準時までは、第八条第一項の規定にかかわらず、特許管理人によらないで手続をすることができる。
Article 184-11 Notwithstanding Article 8(1), an applicant of an international patent application who is an overseas resident may, prior to the National Processing Standard Time, undertake procedures without being represented by a patent administrator.
2 前項に規定する者は、国内処理基準時の属する日後経済産業省令で定める期間内に、特許管理人を選任して特許庁長官に届け出なければならない。
(2) The person prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall appoint a patent administrator and notify the Commissioner of the Patent Office thereof on or after the National Processing Standard Time, but not later than the time limit as provided in Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
3 前項に規定する期間内に特許管理人の選任の届出がなかつたときは、その国際特許出願は、取り下げたものとみなす。
(3) Where no appointment of a patent administrator has been notified within the time limit as provided in the preceding paragraph, the international patent application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.
(Special provisions concerning amendment)
第百八十四条の十二 日本語特許出願については第百八十四条の五第一項の規定による手続をし、かつ、第百九十五条第二項の規定により納付すべき手数料を納付した後、外国語特許出願については第百八十四条の四第一項及び第百八十四条の五第一項の規定による手続をし、かつ、第百九十五条第二項の規定により納付すべき手数料を納付した後であつて国内処理基準時を経過した後でなければ、第十七条第一項本文の規定にかかわらず、手続の補正(第百八十四条の七第二項及び第百八十四条の八第二項に規定する補正を除く。)をすることができない。
Article 184-12 Notwithstanding the main clause of Article 17(1), no amendment of the procedures shall be allowed (excluding those under Articles 184-7(2) and 184-8(2)) unless, in the case of a patent application in Japanese language, the procedure under Article 184-5(1) has been taken and the fee payable under Article 195(2) has been paid, and, in the case of a patent application in foreign language, the procedures under Articles 184-4(1) and 184-5(1) have been taken, the fee payable under Article 195(2) has been paid, and the National Processing Standard Time has lapsed.
2 外国語特許出願に係る明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面について補正ができる範囲については、第十七条の二第二項中「第三十六条の二第二項の外国語書面出願」とあるのは「第百八十四条の四第一項の外国語特許出願」と、同条第三項中「願書に最初に添付した明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面(第三十六条の二第二項の外国語書面出願にあつては、同条第四項の規定により明細書、特許請求の範囲及び図面とみなされた同条第二項に規定する外国語書面の翻訳文(誤訳訂正書を提出して明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面について補正をした場合にあつては、翻訳文又は当該補正後の明細書、特許請求の範囲若しくは図面))」とあるのは「第百八十四条の四第一項の国際出願日(以下この項において「国際出願日」という。)における第百八十四条の三第二項の国際特許出願(以下この項において「国際特許出願」という。)の明細書若しくは図面(図面の中の説明に限る。)の第百八十四条の四第一項の翻訳文、国際出願日における国際特許出願の請求の範囲の同項の翻訳文(同条第二項又は第四項の規定により千九百七十年六月十九日にワシントンで作成された特許協力条約第十九条(1)の規定に基づく補正後の請求の範囲の翻訳文が提出された場合にあつては、当該翻訳文)又は国際出願日における国際特許出願の図面(図面の中の説明を除く。)(以下この項において「翻訳文等」という。)(誤訳訂正書を提出して明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面について補正をした場合にあつては、翻訳文等又は当該補正後の明細書、特許請求の範囲若しくは図面)」とする。
(2) For the purpose of the allowable scope of amendment to the description, scope of claims or drawings with regard to a patent application in foreign language, the term “a foreign language written application as provided in Article 36-2(2)” in Article 17-2(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with “a patent application in foreign language as provided in Article 184-4(1)”; the term “the description, scope of claims or drawings originally attached to the application (in the case of a foreign language written application under Article 36-2(2), the translation of foreign language documents as provided in Article 36-2(2) that is deemed to be the description, scope of claims and drawings under Article 36-2(4) (in the case where the amendment to the description, scope of claims or drawing has been made through the submission of the statement of correction of incorrect translation, the said translations or the amended description, scope of claim or drawings)” in Article 17-2(3) shall be deemed to be replaced with “a translation as provided in Article 184-4(1) of the description or drawings (limited to the descriptive text in the drawings) of an international patent application as provided in Article 184-3(2) (hereinafter referred to as an “international patent application” in this paragraph) as of the international application date as provided in Article 184-4(1) (hereinafter referred to as the “international application date” in this paragraph), a translation as provided in Article 184-4(1) of scope of the claims of an international patent application as of the International Application Date (in the case where a translation of the scope of claim(s) amended under Article 19(1) of the Patent Cooperation Treaty signed in Washington on June 19, 1970 has been submitted under Article 184-4(2) or (4), the said translation)or drawings (excluding the descriptive text in the drawings) of an international patent application as of the International Application Date (hereinafter referred to as the “translations, etc.” in this paragraph) (in the case where an amendment to the description, scope of claim(s) or drawing(s) has been made through the submission of the statement of correction of incorrect translation, the Translations, etc. or the said amended description, scope of claims or drawings)”.
3 国際特許出願の出願人は、第十七条の三の規定にかかわらず、優先日から一年三月以内(第百八十四条の四第一項の規定により翻訳文が提出された外国語特許出願のうち、国内書面提出期間内に出願人から出願審査の請求のあつた国際特許出願であつて国際公開がされているものについては、出願審査の請求があつた後を除く。)に限り、願書に添付した要約書について補正をすることができる。
(3) Notwithstanding Article 17-3, an applicant of an international patent application may amend the abstract attached to the application only within one year and three months from the priority date (in the case of a patent application in foreign language, a translation of which has been submitted under Article 184-4(1), where such application falls under an international patent application of which the applicant has requested an examination within the Time Limit for the Submission of National Documents and the international publication has been effected, excluding the time after the request for an examination of the application has been filed).
(Special provision concerning patentability)
第百八十四条の十三 第二十九条の二に規定する他の特許出願又は実用新案登録出願が国際特許出願又は実用新案法第四十八条の三第二項の国際実用新案登録出願である場合における第二十九条の二の規定の適用については、同条中「他の特許出願又は実用新案登録出願であつて」とあるのは「他の特許出願又は実用新案登録出願(第百八十四条の四第三項又は実用新案法第四十八条の四第三項の規定により取り下げられたものとみなされた第百八十四条の四第一項の外国語特許出願又は同法第四十八条の四第一項の外国語実用新案登録出願を除く。)であつて」と、「出願公開又は」とあるのは「出願公開、」と、「発行が」とあるのは「発行又は千九百七十年六月十九日にワシントンで作成された特許協力条約第二十一条に規定する国際公開が」と、「願書に最初に添付した明細書、特許請求の範囲若しくは実用新案登録請求の範囲又は図面」とあるのは「第百八十四条の四第一項又は実用新案法第四十八条の四第一項の国際出願日における国際出願の明細書、請求の範囲又は図面」とする。
Article 184-13 For the purpose of the application of Article 29-2, in the case where another patent application or a utility model registration application as provided in Article 29-2 is an international patent application or an International utility model registration application under Article 48-3(2) of the Utility Model Act, the term “another patent application or a utility model registration application ” under Article 29-2 of this Act shall be deemed to be replaced with “another patent application or utility model registration application (excluding a patent application in foreign language under Article 184-4(1) or a utility model registration application in foreign language under Article 48-4(1) of the Utility Model Act which has been deemed to have been withdrawn in accordance with Article 184-4(3) of this Act or Article 48-4(3) of the Utility Model Act),” the term “the laying open of the patent application or” shall be deemed to be replaced with “laying open of the patent application,” the term “published” shall be deemed to be replaced with “published or where international publication under Article 21 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty signed in Washington on June 19, 1970 has been effected,” and the term “the description, scope of claims or drawings originally attached to the application” shall be deemed to be replaced with “the description, scope of claims, or drawings of an international application as of the International Application Date under Article 184-4(1)of this Act or Article 48-4(1) of the Utility Model Act.”
(Special provision concerning exception to lack of novelty of invention)
第百八十四条の十四 第三十条第一項又は第三項の規定の適用を受けようとする国際特許出願の出願人は、その旨を記載した書面及び第二十九条第一項各号の一に該当するに至つた発明が第三十条第一項又は第三項の規定の適用を受けることができる発明であることを証明する書面を、同条第四項の規定にかかわらず、国内処理基準時の属する日後経済産業省令で定める期間内に特許庁長官に提出することができる。
Article 184-14 Notwithstanding Article 30(4), an applicant of an international patent application who requests the application of Article 30(1) or 30(3) may submit to the Commissioner of the Patent Office, after the National Processing Standard Time, but not later than the time limit as provided in Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a document stating thereof and a document proving the fact that the invention which has fallen under any of the paragraphs of Article 29(1) has become applicable is an invention to which Article 30(1) or 30(3) may be applicable.
(Special provisions concerning priority claim based on a patent application, etc.)
第百八十四条の十五 国際特許出願については、第四十一条第四項及び第四十二条第二項の規定は、適用しない。
Article 184-15 Articles 41(4) and 42(2) shall not apply to an international patent application.
2 日本語特許出願についての第四十一条第三項の規定の適用については、同項中「又は出願公開」とあるのは、「又は千九百七十年六月十九日にワシントンで作成された特許協力条約第二十一条に規定する国際公開」とする。
(2) For the purpose of application of Article 41(3) to a patent application in Japanese language, the term “or the laying open of the patent application” in the said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with “or the international publication under Article 21 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty signed in Washington on June 19, 1970.”
3 外国語特許出願についての第四十一条第三項の規定の適用については、同項中「特許出願の願書に最初に添付した明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面」とあるのは「第百八十四条の四第一項の国際出願日における国際出願の明細書、請求の範囲又は図面」と、「又は出願公開」とあるのは「又は千九百七十年六月十九日にワシントンで作成された特許協力条約第二十一条に規定する国際公開」とする。
(3) For the purpose of the application of Article 41(3) for a patent application in foreign language, the term “the description, scope of claims or drawings originally attached to the application in a patent application” in the said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with “the description, scope of claims or drawings of an international application as of the international application date under Article 184-4(1),” and the teem “or the laying open of the application” shall be deemed to be replaced with “or the international publication under Article 21 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty done in Washington on June 19, 1970.”
4 第四十一条第一項の先の出願が国際特許出願又は実用新案法第四十八条の三第二項の国際実用新案登録出願である場合における第四十一条第一項から第三項まで及び第四十二条第一項の規定の適用については、第四十一条第一項及び第二項中「願書に最初に添付した明細書、特許請求の範囲若しくは実用新案登録請求の範囲又は図面」とあるのは「第百八十四条の四第一項又は実用新案法第四十八条の四第一項の国際出願日における国際出願の明細書、請求の範囲又は図面」と、同条第三項中「先の出願の願書に最初に添付した明細書、特許請求の範囲若しくは実用新案登録請求の範囲又は図面」とあるのは「先の出願の第百八十四条の四第一項又は実用新案法第四十八条の四第一項の国際出願日における国際出願の明細書、請求の範囲又は図面」と、「について出願公開」とあるのは「について千九百七十年六月十九日にワシントンで作成された特許協力条約第二十一条に規定する国際公開」と、第四十二条第一項中「その出願の日から一年三月を経過した時」とあるのは「第百八十四条の四第四項若しくは実用新案法第四十八条の四第四項の国内処理基準時又は第百八十四条の四第一項若しくは同法第四十八条の四第一項の国際出願日から一年三月を経過した時のいずれか遅い時」とする。
(4) For the purpose of application of paragraphs (1) to (3) of Article 41and 42(1), in the case where the earlier application under Article 41(1) of this Act is an international patent application or an international utility model registration application under Article 48-3(2) of the Utility Model Act, the term “the description, scope of claims for a patent or utility model registration and drawings originally attached to the application” in Articles 41(1) and 41(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with “the description, scope of claims or drawings of an international application as of the international application date under Article 184-4(1) of this Act or Article 48-4(1) of the Utility Model Act,”; the term “the description, scope of claims for patent or utility model registration and drawings originally attached to the application in the earlier application ” in Article 41(3) shall be deemed to be replaced with “the description, scope of claims or drawings of an international application of the earlier application as of the International Application Date under Article 184-4(1) of this Act or Article 48-4(1) of the Utility Model Act,”; the term “the laying open of the patent application relating to” in Article 41(3) shall be deemed to be replaced with “the international publication under Article 21 of the patent Cooperation Treaty signed in Washington on June 19, 1970 relating to,”; and the term “when one year and three months from the filing date has lapsed” in Article 42(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with “at the later of the time of the National Processing Standard Time under Article 184-4 (4) of this Act or Article 48-4(4) of the Utility Model Act or the time when one year and three months has lapsed from the International Application Date under Article 184-4 (1) of this Act or Article 48-4 (1) of the Utility Model Act”.
(Special provision concerning conversion of application)
第百八十四条の十六 実用新案法第四十八条の三第一項又は第四十八条の十六第四項の規定により実用新案登録出願とみなされた国際出願の特許出願への変更については、同法第四十八条の五第四項の日本語実用新案登録出願にあつては同条第一項、同法第四十八条の四第一項の外国語実用新案登録出願にあつては同項及び同法第四十八条の五第一項の規定による手続をし、かつ、同法第五十四条第二項の規定により納付すべき手数料を納付した後(同法第四十八条の十六第四項の規定により実用新案登録出願とみなされた国際出願については、同項に規定する決定の後)でなければすることができない。
Article 184-16 An international application that has been deemed to be an application for utility model registration under Article 48-3(1) or 48-16(4) of the Utility Model Act may be converted to a patent application, only after the fees payable under Article 54(2) of the said Act have been paid (or, in the case of an international application that is deemed to be a Utility Model registration application under Article 48-16(4) of the said Act, after the ruling as provided in Article 48-16(4) has been rendered), and, in the case of a Utility Model Registration Application in Japanese Language under Article 48-5(4) of the said Act, the procedures under Article 48-5(1) of the said Act has been completed, or, in the case of a Utility Model Registration Application in Foreign Language under 48-4(1) of the said Act, the procedures under Article 48-4(1) and 48-5(1) of the said Act have been completed.
(Restriction on the time for request for examination of application)
第百八十四条の十七 国際特許出願の出願人は、日本語特許出願にあつては第百八十四条の五第一項、外国語特許出願にあつては第百八十四条の四第一項及び第百八十四条の五第一項の規定による手続をし、かつ、第百九十五条第二項の規定により納付すべき手数料を納付した後、国際特許出願の出願人以外の者は、国内書面提出期間(第百八十四条の四第一項ただし書の外国語特許出願にあつては、翻訳文提出特例期間)の経過後でなければ、国際特許出願についての出願審査の請求をすることができない。
Article 184-17 A request for an examination of an international patent application shall not be allowed unless, for an applicant of the international patent application, the procedure under Article 184-5 in the case of a patent application in Japanese language or the procedures under Article 184-4(1) and 184-5(1) in the case of a patent application in foreign language have been taken and the fee payable under Article 195(2) has been paid, and, for any person who is not the applicant of the international patent application, the Time Limit for the Submission of National Documents (in the case of a patent application in foreign language under the proviso to Article 184-4(1), the Special Time Limit for the Submission of Translation) has lapsed.
(Provisions for reasons for refusal, etc.)
第百八十四条の十八 外国語特許出願に係る拒絶の査定及び特許無効審判については、第四十九条第六号並びに第百二十三条第一項第一号及び第五号中「外国語書面出願」とあるのは「第百八十四条の四第一項の外国語特許出願」と、第四十九条第六号及び第百二十三条第一項第五号中「外国語書面」とあるのは「第百八十四条の四第一項の国際出願日における国際出願の明細書、請求の範囲又は図面」とする。
Article 184-18 For the purpose of an examiner’s decision of refusal and a trial for patent invalidation, with respect to a patent application in foreign language, the term “foreign language written application” in Articles 49(vi), and 123(1)(i) and (v) shall be deemed to be replaced with “patent application in foreign language referred to in Article 184-4(1),” and the term “foreign language documents” in Article 49(vi) and 123(1)(v) shall be deemed to be replaced with “the description, scope of claim(s) or drawing(s) of the international application as of the international application date referred to in Article 184-4(1).”
(Special provisions concerning correction)
第百八十四条の十九 外国語特許出願に係る第百三十四条の二第一項の規定による訂正及び訂正審判の請求については、第百二十六条第三項中「外国語書面出願」とあるのは「第百八十四条の四第一項の外国語特許出願」と、「外国語書面」とあるのは「第百八十四条の四第一項の国際出願日における国際出願の明細書、請求の範囲又は図面」とする。
Article 184-19 For the purpose of the request for correction under Article 134-2(1) and the request for a trial for correction with respect to a patent application in foreign language, the term “foreign language written application” in Article 126(3) shall be deemed to be replaced with “foreign language written application referred to in Article 184-4(1)” and the term “foreign language documents” shall be deemed to be replaced with “the description, scope of claim(s) or drawing(s) of the international application as of the international application date referred to in Article 184-4(1).”
(International application deemed to be patent application by decision)
第百八十四条の二十 条約第二条(vii)の国際出願の出願人は、条約第四条(1)(ii)の指定国に日本国を含む国際出願(特許出願に係るものに限る。)につき条約第二条(xv)の受理官庁により条約第二十五条(1)(a)に規定する拒否若しくは同条(1)(a)若しくは(b)に規定する宣言がされ、又は条約第二条(xix)の国際事務局により条約第二十五条(1)(a)に規定する認定がされたときは、経済産業省令で定める期間内に、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、特許庁長官に同条(2)(a)に規定する決定をすべき旨の申出をすることができる。
Article 184-20 Where a refusal under Article 25(1)(a) of the Treaty or a declaration under Article 25(1)(a) or (b) of the Treaty has been made by the receiving Office under Article 2(xv) of the Treaty, or a finding under Article 25(1)(a) of the Treaty has been made by the International Bureau under Article 2(xix) of the Treaty in relation to an international application (a patent application only) which specifies Japan as a designated State under Article 4(1)(ii) of the Treaty, the applicant of the international application under Article 2(vii) of the Treaty may make a request to the effect that the Commissioner of the Patent Office shall render a decision under Article 25(2)(a) of the Treaty in accordance with Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry within the time limit provided in Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
2 外国語でされた国際出願につき前項の申出をする者は、申出に際し、明細書、請求の範囲、図面(図面の中の説明に限る。)、要約その他の経済産業省令で定める国際出願に関する書類の日本語による翻訳文を特許庁長官に提出しなければならない。
(2) A person making a request under the preceding paragraph with regard to an international application in foreign language shall submit at the time of the request to the Commissioner of the Patent Office Japanese translations of documents concerning the international application as required by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, including the description, scope of claims, drawings (limited to the explanations in the drawings), and abstract.
3 特許庁長官は、第一項の申出があつたときは、その申出に係る拒否、宣言又は認定が条約及び特許協力条約に基づく規則の規定に照らして正当であるか否かの決定をしなければならない。
(3) Upon receiving the request under paragraph (1), the Commissioner of the Patent Office shall rule on whether the refusal, declaration or finding relating thereto was justified under the provisions of the Treaty and the Regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
4 前項の規定により特許庁長官が同項の拒否、宣言又は認定が条約及び特許協力条約に基づく規則の規定に照らして正当でない旨の決定をしたときは、その決定に係る国際出願は、その国際出願につきその拒否、宣言又は認定がなかつたものとした場合において国際出願日となつたものと認められる日にされた特許出願とみなす。
(4) Where the Commissioner of the Patent Office has rendered a ruling under the preceding paragraph to the effect that the refusal, declaration or finding under the said paragraph was not justified under the provisions of the Treaty and the Regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the international application for which the decision is rendered shall be deemed to be a patent application filed on the day which would have been be accorded as the international application date if no such refusal, declaration or finding had been made for the international application.
5 前項の規定により特許出願とみなされた国際出願についての出願公開については、第六十四条第一項中「特許出願の日」とあるのは「第百八十四条の四第一項の優先日」と、同条第二項第六号中「外国語書面出願」とあるのは「外国語でされた国際出願」と、「外国語書面及び外国語要約書面」とあるのは「第百八十四条の二十第四項に規定する国際出願日となつたものと認められる日における国際出願の明細書、請求の範囲、図面及び要約」とする。
(5) For the purpose of laying open of an international application that is deemed to be a patent application under the preceding paragraph, the term “the date of the filing of a patent application” in Article 64(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with “the priority date under Article 184-4(1)”, the term “foreign language written application” and “foreign language documents and the Abstract in foreign language” in Article 64(2)(vi) shall be deemed to be replaced with “international application in foreign language ” and “description, scope of claim, drawing and abstract of an international application filed on the day to be accorded as the International application Date under Article 184-20(4)”.
6 第百八十四条の三第二項、第百八十四条の六第一項及び第二項、第百八十四条の九第六項、第百八十四条の十二から第百八十四条の十四まで、第百八十四条の十五第一項、第三項及び第四項並びに第百八十四条の十七から前条までの規定は、第四項の規定により特許出願とみなされた国際出願に準用する。この場合において、これらの規定の準用に関し必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。
(6) Article 184-3(2), 184-6(1) and (2), 184-9(6), 184-12 to 184-14, 184-15(1), (3) and (4), 184-17 to 184-19 shall apply mutatis mutandis to an international application that is deemed to be a patent application under paragraph (4). In such a case, the replacement of terms necessary for the application of the said provisions shall be made as prescribed by Cabinet Order.
第十章 雑則
Chapter X Miscellaneous Provisions
(Special provisions for patent or patent right covering two or more claims)
第百八十五条 二以上の請求項に係る特許又は特許権についての第二十七条第一項第一号、第六十五条第四項(第百八十四条の十第二項において準用する場合を含む。)、第八十条第一項、第九十七条第一項、第九十八条第一項第一号、第百十一条第一項第二号、第百二十三条第三項、第百二十五条、第百二十六条第六項(第百三十四条の二第五項において準用する場合を含む。)、第百三十二条第一項(第百七十四条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)、第百七十五条、第百七十六条若しくは第百九十三条第二項第四号又は実用新案法第二十条第一項の規定の適用については、請求項ごとに特許がされ、又は特許権があるものとみなす。
Article 185 Pertaining to the patent or patent rights covering two or more claims, for the purposes of the application of Article 27(1)(i) or Article 65(4) (including its application under Article 184-10(2)), 80(1), 97(1), 98(1)(i), 111(1)(ii), 123(3), 125, 126(6) (including its application under Article 134-2(5)), Article 132(1) (including its application under Article 174(2)) or 175, 176 or 193(2)(iv) of this Act, or of Article 20(1) of the Utility Model Act, the patent shall be deemed to have been granted, or the patent right shall be deemed to exist, for each claim.
(Request for certificate, etc.)
第百八十六条 何人も、特許庁長官に対し、特許に関し、証明、書類の謄本若しくは抄本の交付、書類の閲覧若しくは謄写又は特許原簿のうち磁気テープをもつて調製した部分に記録されている事項を記載した書類の交付を請求することができる。ただし、次に掲げる書類については、特許庁長官が秘密を保持する必要があると認めるときは、この限りでない。
Article 186 Any person may file a request with regard to patents to the Commissioner of the Patent Office to issue a certificate, a certified copy of documents or an extract of documents, to allow the inspection or copying of documents, or to issue documents stored on the magnetic tapes that constitute the part of the Patent Registry; provided, however, that if the Commissioner of the Patent Office considers it necessary to keep such documents confidential, this provision shall not apply in the case of the following documents:
一 願書、願書に添付した明細書、特許請求の範囲、図面若しくは要約書若しくは外国語書面若しくは外国語要約書面若しくは特許出願の審査に係る書類(特許権の設定の登録又は出願公開がされたものを除く。)又は第六十七条の二第二項の資料
(i) an application, or the description, scope of claims, drawings or abstract attached to an application, foreign language documents, an foreign language abstract or any document pertaining to the examination of a patent application (except where the establishment of a patent right has been registered or where the laying open of a patent application has been effected), or the materials under Article 67-2(2);
二 拒絶査定不服審判に係る書類(当該事件に係る特許出願について特許権の設定の登録又は出願公開がされたものを除く。)
(ii) documents concerning a trial against an examiner’s decision of refusal (except where the establishment of the patent right has been registered or where the laying open of a patent application has been effected);
三 特許無効審判若しくは延長登録無効審判又はこれらの審判の確定審決に対する再審に係る書類であつて、当事者又は参加人から当該当事者又は参加人の保有する営業秘密が記載された旨の申出があつたもの
(iii) documents concerning a trial for patent invalidation, a trial for invalidation of the registration of extension of the duration or a retrial of the final and binding trial decision in the such trials, with respect to which a party in the case or intervenor has given notice that a trade secret owned by the said party in the case or intervenor has been described (trade secret as provided in Article 2(4) of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act (Act No. 47 of 1993));
四 個人の名誉又は生活の平穏を害するおそれがあるもの
(iv) documents which are liable to cause damage to an individual’s reputation or peaceful life; and
五 公の秩序又は善良の風俗を害するおそれがあるもの
(v) documents which are liable to cause damage to public order or morality.
2 特許庁長官は、前項第一号から第四号までに掲げる書類について、同項本文の請求を認めるときは、当該書類を提出した者に対し、その旨及びその理由を通知しなければならない。
(2) Where the Commissioner of the Patent Office approves of the request under the main clause of the preceding paragraph with regard to the documents as provided in items (i) to (iv) of the said paragraph, the Commissioner of the Patent Office shall notify the person who submitted the said documents thereof and reasons therefor.
3 特許に関する書類及び特許原簿のうち磁気テープをもつて調製した部分については、行政機関の保有する情報の公開に関する法律(平成十一年法律第四十二号)の規定は、適用しない。
(3) Provisions of the Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs (Act No. 42 of 1999) shall not apply to the documents concerning patents and the part of the Patent Registry stored on magnetic tapes.
4 特許に関する書類及び特許原簿のうち磁気テープをもつて調製した部分に記録されている保有個人情報(行政機関の保有する個人情報の保護に関する法律(平成十五年法律第五十八号)第二条第三項に規定する保有個人情報をいう。)については、同法第四章の規定は、適用しない。
(4) Provisions in Chapter 4 of the Act on Protection of Personal Information Possessed by Administrative Organs (Act No. 58 of 2003) shall not apply to the possessed personal information (refers to the possessed personal information as provided in Article 2(3) of the said Act) recorded in the documents concerning patents and the part of the Patent Registry stored on magnetic tapes.
(Mark of Patent)
第百八十七条 特許権者、専用実施権者又は通常実施権者は、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、物の特許発明におけるその物若しくは物を生産する方法の特許発明におけるその方法により生産した物(以下「特許に係る物」という。)又はその物の包装にその物又は方法の発明が特許に係る旨の表示(以下「特許表示」という。)を附するように努めなければならない。
Article 187 A patentee, exclusive licensee or non-exclusive licensee shall make efforts to place a mark (hereinafter referred to as a “mark of patent”) as provided by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, on the patented product, product produced by the patented process (hereinafter referred to as a “patented product”), or package thereof, indicating that the product or process is patented.
(Prohibition of false marking)
第百八十八条 何人も、次に掲げる行為をしてはならない。
Article 188 It shall be prohibited for a person to do the following acts:
一 特許に係る物以外の物又はその物の包装に特許表示又はこれと紛らわしい表示を付する行為
(i) putting a mark of patent or a mark confusing therewith on or in a non-patented product or the packaging thereof;
二 特許に係る物以外の物であつて、その物又はその物の包装に特許表示又はこれと紛らわしい表示を付したものの譲渡等又は譲渡等のための展示をする行為
(ii) assigning, etc. or displaying for the purpose of assignment, etc. a non-patented product or the packaging thereof on or in which a mark of a patent or a mark confusing therewith is put;
三 特許に係る物以外の物の生産若しくは使用をさせるため、又は譲渡等をするため、広告にその物の発明が特許に係る旨を表示し、又はこれと紛らわしい表示をする行為
(iii) giving in an advertisement an indication to the effect that a non-patented product is related to a patent or an indication confusing therewith for the purpose of having the product produced or used, or assigning, etc. the product; or
四 方法の特許発明におけるその方法以外の方法を使用させるため、又は譲渡し若しくは貸し渡すため、広告にその方法の発明が特許に係る旨を表示し、又はこれと紛らわしい表示をする行為
(iv) giving in an advertisement an indication to the effect that a non-patented process is related to a patent or an indication confusing therewith for the purpose of having the process used, or assigning or leasing the process.
第百八十九条 送達する書類は、この法律に規定するもののほか、経済産業省令で定める。
Article 189 Documents to be served shall be as provided in this Act and by ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
第百九十条 民事訴訟法第九十八条第二項、第九十九条から第百三条まで、第百五条、第百六条、第百七条第一項(第二号及び第三号を除く。)及び第三項並びに第百九条(送達)の規定は、この法律又は前条の経済産業省令で定める書類の送達に準用する。この場合において、同法第九十八条第二項及び第百条中「裁判所書記官」とあるのは「特許庁長官の指定する職員又は審判書記官」と、同法第九十九条第一項中「郵便又は執行官」とあるのは「郵便」と、同法第百七条第一項中「場合には、裁判所書記官」とあるのは「場合及び審査に関する書類を送達すべき場合には、特許庁長官の指定する職員又は審判書記官」と、「最高裁判所規則」とあるのは「経済産業省令」と読み替えるものとする。
Article 190 Articles 98(2), 99 to 103, 105, 106, 107(1) (excluding items (ii) and (iii)), 107(3) and 109 (Service) of the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply mutatis mutandis to the service of documents as provided in this Act or Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry under the preceding Article. In this case, the term “a court clerk” in Articles 98(2) and 100 of the Code of Civil Procedure shall be deemed to be replaced with “an official designated by the Commissioner of the Patent Office or a trial clerk”, the term “mail or court enforcement officer” in Article 99(1) of the said Act shall be deemed to be replaced with “mail”, the term “where … the court clerk” in Article 107(1) of the said Act shall be deemed to be replaced with “where … and where documents concerning the examination are to be served, an official designated by the Commissioner of the Patent Office or a trial clerk” and the term “Supreme Court Rules” in Article 107(1) of the said Act shall be deemed to be replaced with “an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry”.
第百九十一条 送達を受けるべき者の住所、居所その他送達をすべき場所が知れないとき、又は前条において準用する民事訴訟法第百七条第一項(第二号及び第三号を除く。)の規定により送達をすることができないときは、公示送達をすることができる。
Article 191 Where the domicile or residence of the person who is to be served or any other place to which service is to be made is unknown, or where the service is unable to be effected under Article 107(1) (excluding items (ii) and (iii)) of the Code of Civil Procedure as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 190 of this Act, service may be effected by public notification.
2 公示送達は、送達する書類を送達を受けるべき者に何時でも交付すべき旨を官報及び特許公報に掲載するとともに特許庁の掲示場に掲示することにより行う。
(2) Service by public notification shall be effected by publishing in the Official Gazette and the patent gazette and posting on the noticeboard of the Patent Office a notification stating the fact that documents to be served are ready to be served at any time to the person who is to be served.
3 公示送達は、官報に掲載した日から二十日を経過することにより、その効力を生ずる。
(3) Service by public notification shall take effect following the duration of 20 days from the day the notification is published in the Official Gazette.
第百九十二条 在外者に特許管理人があるときは、その特許管理人に送達しなければならない。
Article 192 Where an overseas resident has a patent administrator, service shall be made to the patent administrator.
2 在外者に特許管理人がないときは、書類を航空扱いとした書留郵便等(書留郵便又は民間事業者による信書の送達に関する法律(平成十四年法律第九十九号)第二条第六項に規定する一般信書便事業者若しくは同条第九項に規定する特定信書便事業者の提供する同条第二項に規定する信書便の役務のうち書留郵便に準ずるものとして経済産業省令で定めるものをいう。次項において同じ。)に付して発送することができる。
(2) Where an overseas resident has no patent administrator, documents may be dispatched by registered mail, etc. (refers to service of registered mail under Article 2(2) of the Act on service of Mail by Private Business Operator (Act No. 99 of 2002) provided by a general mail delivery service operator under Article 2(6) of the said Act or by a special mail delivery service operator under Article 2(9) of the said Act that is equivalent to registered mail by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, hereinafter the same shall apply in paragraph (3)).
3 前項の規定により書類を書留郵便等に付して発送したときは、発送の時に送達があつたものとみなす。
(3) Where documents are dispatched by registered mail, etc., under the preceding paragraph, the documents shall be deemed to have been served at the time of dispatch.
(Patent Gazette)
第百九十三条 特許庁は、特許公報を発行する。
Article 193 The Patent Office shall publish the patent gazette (Tokkyo Koho).
2 特許公報には、この法律に規定するもののほか、次に掲げる事項を掲載しなければならない。
(2) In addition to the matters provided for in this Act, the patent gazette shall contain:
一 出願公開後における拒絶をすべき旨の査定若しくは特許出願の放棄、取下げ若しくは却下又は特許権の存続期間の延長登録の出願の取下げ
(i) the examiner’s decision to the effect that an application is to be refused, or the waiver, withdrawal or dismissal of a patent application after the laying open of the patent application, or the withdrawal of an application for the registration of an extension of the duration of a patent right;
二 出願公開後における特許を受ける権利の承継
(ii) successions to the right to obtain a patent after the laying open of a patent application;
三 出願公開後における第十七条の二第一項の規定による願書に添付した明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面の補正(同項ただし書各号の規定によりしたものにあつては、誤訳訂正書の提出によるものに限る。)
(iii) amendments of the description, scope of claims or drawings attached to an application under Article 17-2(1) after the laying open of a patent application (in the case of an amendment under any of the items in the proviso to the said paragraph, limited to an amendment made through the submission of a statement of correction of an incorrect translation);
四 特許権の消滅(存続期間の満了によるもの及び第百十二条第四項又は第五項の規定によるものを除く。)又は回復(第百十二条の二第二項の規定によるものに限る。)
(iv) the extinguishment of patent rights (excluding extinguishment upon expiration of the duration and under Article 112(4) or 112(5)) or the restoration thereof (limited to restoration under Article 112-2(2));
五 審判若しくは再審の請求又はこれらの取下げ
(v) filings for a request for trials or retrials, or withdrawals thereof;
六 審判又は再審の確定審決(特許権の設定の登録又は出願公開がされたものに限る。)
(vi) final and binding trial decisions or retrial decisions (limited to patent applications in which the establishment of a patent right has been registered or which have been laid open);
七 訂正した明細書及び特許請求の範囲に記載した事項並びに図面の内容(訂正をすべき旨の確定した決定又は確定審決があつたものに限る。)
(vii) matters stated in the corrected description and scope of claims and the contents of drawings (limited to those corrected following a final and binding trial decision to the effect that the correction was to be made);
八 裁定の請求若しくはその取下げ又は裁定
(viii) requests for an award, the withdrawal thereof or a Commissioner’s decision; and
九 第百七十八条第一項の訴えについての確定判決(特許権の設定の登録又は出願公開がされたものに限る。)
(ix) final and binding judgments in an action under Article 178(1) (limited to cases where the establishment of a patent right has been registered or the laying open of the patent application has been effected).
(Submission of documents, etc.)
第百九十四条 特許庁長官又は審査官は、当事者に対し、審判又は再審に関する手続以外の手続を処理するため必要な書類その他の物件の提出を求めることができる。
Article 194 The Commissioner of the Patent Office or the examiner may request a party in a case to submit documents or other materials necessary for a procedure other than one relating to a trial or a retrial.
2 特許庁長官又は審査官は、関係行政機関又は学校その他の団体に対して審査に必要な調査を依頼することができる。
(2) The Commissioner of the Patent Office or the examiner may commission related administrative agencies, educational institutions or any other organizations to conduct an investigation necessary for an examination.
第百九十五条 次に掲げる者は、実費を勘案して政令で定める額の手数料を納付しなければならない。
Article 195 Fees shall be paid by the following persons in an amount to be provided by Cabinet Order in view of the actual costs:
一 第四条、第五条第一項若しくは第百八条第三項の規定による期間の延長又は第五条第二項の規定による期日の変更を請求する者
(i) persons filing a request for an extension of the duration under Article 4, 5(1), 108(3), or a change of the date under Article 5(2);
二 特許証の再交付を請求する者
(ii) persons filing a request for the re-issuance of the certificate of patent;
三 第三十四条第四項の規定により承継の届出をする者
(iii) persons notifying of succession under Article 34(4);
四 第百八十六条第一項の規定により証明を請求する者
(iv) persons filing a request for the issuance of a certificate under Article 186(1);
五 第百八十六条第一項の規定により書類の謄本又は抄本の交付を請求する者
(v) persons filing a request for the issuance of a certified copy of documents or an extract of documents under Article 186(1);
六 第百八十六条第一項の規定により書類の閲覧又は謄写を請求する者
(vi) persons filing a request to allow the inspection or copying of documents under Article 186(1); and
七 第百八十六条第一項の規定により特許原簿のうち磁気テープをもつて調製した部分に記録されている事項を記載した書類の交付を請求する者
(vii) persons filing a request for the issuance of documents whose contents are stored on the magnetic tapes that constitute the part of the Patent Registry under Article 186(1).
2 別表の中欄に掲げる者は、それぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる金額の範囲内において政令で定める額の手数料を納付しなければならない。
(2) The persons listed in the center column of the attached table shall pay fees in the amount as provided by Cabinet Order within the range of the amounts specified in the corresponding right-hand column of the table.
3 特許出願人でない者が出願審査の請求をした後において、当該特許出願の願書に添付した特許請求の範囲についてした補正により請求項の数が増加したときは、その増加した請求項について前項の規定により納付すべき出願審査の請求の手数料は、同項の規定にかかわらず、特許出願人が納付しなければならない。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, where, after a request for the examination of an application has been filed by a person who is not the applicant of the patent, the number of claims is increased due to the amendment of the scope of claims attached to the application in the said patent application, the fees for the request for the examination of the patent application payable under the preceding paragraph regarding the increased claims shall be paid by the applicant of the patent.
4 前三項の規定は、これらの規定により手数料を納付すべき者が国であるときは、適用しない。
(4) The three preceding paragraphs shall not apply where the person to pay the fee in accordance with these paragraphs is the State.
5 特許権又は特許を受ける権利が国と国以外の者との共有に係る場合であつて持分の定めがあるときは、国と国以外の者が自己の特許権又は特許を受ける権利について第一項又は第二項の規定により納付すべき手数料(出願審査の請求の手数料以外の政令で定める手数料に限る。)は、これらの規定にかかわらず、これらに規定する手数料の金額に国以外の者の持分の割合を乗じて得た額とし、国以外の者がその額を納付しなければならない。
(5) Where the State has joint ownership of a patent right or a right to obtain a patent with a person other than the State, and the portion of their respective shares of the said right has been agreed, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) or (2), the fees payable thereunder (limited to those provided by Cabinet Order excluding the fees for the request for an examination) shall be determined as the sum of the provided fees multiplied by the ratios of the share of each person other than the State, and, the person(s) other than the State shall pay such sum.
6 特許を受ける権利が国又は次条の規定若しくは他の法令の規定による出願審査の請求の手数料の軽減若しくは免除(以下この項において「減免」という。)を受ける者を含む者の共有に係る場合であつて持分の定めがあるときは、これらの者が自己の特許を受ける権利について第二項の規定により納付すべき出願審査の請求の手数料は、同項の規定にかかわらず、国以外の各共有者ごとに同項に規定する出願審査の請求の手数料の金額(減免を受ける者にあつては、その減免後の金額)にその持分の割合を乗じて得た額を合算して得た額とし、国以外の者がその額を納付しなければならない。
(6) Where the State has joint ownership of a right to obtain a patent with person(s) including a person entitled to receive a reduction of the fees for the request for an examination or exemption therefrom under the following Article or provisions of any other laws and ordinances (hereinafter in this paragraph referred to as a “reduction/exemption”), and the portion of their respective shares of the said right has been agreed, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2), the fees for the request for an examination payable by such person for their right to obtain a patent thereunder shall be determined as the sum of the amounts calculated for each person other than the State jointly owning the right, by multiplying the applicable fees for the request for an examination provided thereunder (in the case of a person who receives the reduction or exemption, the amount after the said reduction/exemption) by the ratios of the share of each person other than the State, and the person(s) other than the State shall pay such sum.
7 前二項の規定により算定した手数料の金額に十円未満の端数があるときは、その端数は、切り捨てる。
(7) Where the amount of the fees calculated under the two preceding paragraphs has a fractional figure of less than ten yen, the said portion shall be discarded.
8 第一項から第三項までの手数料の納付は、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、特許印紙をもつてしなければならない。ただし、経済産業省令で定める場合には、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、現金をもつて納めることができる。
(8) The payment of the fees under paragraphs (1) to (3) shall be made by patent revenue stamps as provided by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; provided, however, that where so provided by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a cash payment thereof shall be accepted.
9 出願審査の請求をした後において、次に掲げる命令、通知又は査定の謄本の送達のいずれかがあるまでの間にその特許出願が放棄され、又は取り下げられたときは、第二項の規定により納付すべき出願審査の請求の手数料を納付した者の請求により政令で定める額を返還する。
(9) After the request for examination of an application, where the said patent application has been waived or withdrawn, upon the request of the person who paid the fees for the request for examination under paragraph (2), such fees in the amount prescribed by Cabinet Order shall be refunded, provided that the certified copy of the examiner’s decision has not been served, and none of the following orders or notices has been made.
一 第三十九条第七項の規定による命令
(i) an order under Article 39(7);
二 第四十八条の七の規定による通知
(ii) notice under Article 48-7;
三 第五十条の規定による通知
(iii) notice under Article 50; and
四 第五十二条第二項の規定による査定の謄本の送達
(iv) service of a certified copy of the examiner’s decision under Article 52(2).
10 前項の規定による手数料の返還は、特許出願が放棄され、又は取り下げられた日から六月を経過した後は、請求することができない。
(10) No request for a refund of fees under the preceding paragraph may be filed after six months from the date on which a patent application has been waived or withdrawn.
11 過誤納の手数料は、納付した者の請求により返還する。
(11) Fees paid in excess or in error shall be refunded upon the request of the person who made payment thereof.
12 前項の規定による手数料の返還は、納付した日から一年を経過した後は、請求することができない。
(12) No request for a refund of the fees under the preceding paragraph may be filed after one year from the date on which the payment thereof has been made.
(Reduction of or exemption from fees for request for examination of application)
第百九十五条の二 特許庁長官は、次に掲げる者であつて資力に乏しい者として政令で定める要件に該当する者が、出願審査の請求の手数料を納付することが困難であると認めるときは、政令で定めるところにより、自己の特許出願について前条第二項の規定により納付すべき出願審査の請求の手数料を軽減し、又は免除することができる。
Article 195-2 Where the Commissioner of the Patent Office recognizes that a person meets the requirements of Cabinet Order to be recognized as a person with insufficient funds, and that the person has difficulties paying the fees for a request for the examination of an application, the Commissioner of the Patent Office may, in accordance with Cabinet Order, grant the person a reduction of or exemption from the payment of the fees for the request for the examination of the person’s own patent application payable under Article 195(2), where the Commissioner of the Patent Office recognizes that the person falls under any of the following paragraphs:
一 その発明の発明者又はその相続人
(i) the inventor of the invention or the inventor’s heir; and
二 その発明が第三十五条第一項の従業者等がした職務発明であつて、契約、勤務規則その他の定めによりあらかじめ使用者等に特許を受ける権利を承継させることが定められている場合において、その従業者等から特許を受ける権利を承継した使用者等
(ii) the employer, etc., who has succeeded to the right to obtain a patent from the employee, etc., where the invention is an invention by the employee, etc., under Article 35(1) and where it is provided in advance in any stipulations including contract or employment rules that the employer, etc. shall succeed to the right to obtain a patent.
(Exclusion of application of Administrative Procedures Act)
第百九十五条の三 この法律又はこの法律に基づく命令の規定による処分については、行政手続法(平成五年法律第八十八号)第二章及び第三章の規定は、適用しない。
Article 195-3 Chapters II and III of the Administrative Procedures Act (Act No. 88 of 1993) shall not apply to dispositions under this Act or an order issued under this Act.
(Restriction on appeals under Administrative Appeal Act)
第百九十五条の四 査定又は審決及び審判又は再審の請求書の却下の決定並びにこの法律の規定により不服を申し立てることができないこととされている処分については、行政不服審査法による不服申立てをすることができない。
Article 195-4 No appeal shall be available under the Administrative Appeal Act against an examiner’s decision or a trial decision, or a ruling to dismiss a written request for a trial or retrial, or against dispositions against which no appeal lies in accordance with this Act.
第十一章 罰則
Chapter XI Penal Provisions
(Crime of infringement)
第百九十六条 特許権又は専用実施権を侵害した者(第百一条の規定により特許権又は専用実施権を侵害する行為とみなされる行為を行つた者を除く。)は、十年以下の懲役若しくは千万円以下の罰金に処し、又はこれを併科する。
Article 196 An infringer of a patent right or exclusive license (excluding one who has committed an act that shall be deemed to constitute infringement of a patent right or an exclusive license under Article 101) shall be punished by imprisonment with work for a term not exceeding ten years or a fine not exceeding 10,000,000 yen or combination thereof.
第百九十六条の二 第百一条の規定により特許権又は専用実施権を侵害する行為とみなされる行為を行つた者は、五年以下の懲役若しくは五百万円以下の罰金に処し、又はこれを併科する。
Article 196-2 Any person who has committed an act that shall be deemed to constitute infringement of a patent right or an exclusive license under Article 101 shall be punished by imprisonment with work for a term not exceeding five years or a fine not exceeding 5,000,000 yen or combination thereof.
(Crime of fraud)
第百九十七条 詐欺の行為により特許、特許権の存続期間の延長登録又は審決を受けた者は、三年以下の懲役又は三百万円以下の罰金に処する。
Article 197 Any person who has obtained a patent, a registration of extension of the duration of a patent right or a trial decision by means of a fraudulent act shall be punished by imprisonment with work for a term not exceeding three years or a fine not exceeding 3,000,000 yen.
(Crime of false marking)
第百九十八条 第百八十八条の規定に違反した者は、三年以下の懲役又は三百万円以下の罰金に処する。
Article 198 A person(s) who fails to comply with Article 188 shall be punished by imprisonment with work for a term not exceeding three years or a fine not exceeding 3,000,000 yen.
(Crime of perjury, etc.)
第百九十九条 この法律の規定により宣誓した証人、鑑定人又は通訳人が特許庁又はその嘱託を受けた裁判所に対し虚偽の陳述、鑑定又は通訳をしたときは、三月以上十年以下の懲役に処する。
Article 199 A witness, an expert witness or an interpreter who has sworn under this Act and made a false statement or given an expert opinion or interpretation to the Patent Office or the court commissioned thereby shall be punished by imprisonment with work for a term between three month and ten years.
2 前項の罪を犯した者が事件の判定の謄本が送達され、又は審決が確定する前に自白したときは、その刑を減軽し、又は免除することができる。
(2) Where a person who has committed the crime in the preceding paragraph has made a voluntary confession before a certified copy of the judgment on the case has been served or a trial decision has become final and binding, the punishment may be reduced or exculpated.
(Crime of divulging secrets)
第二百条 特許庁の職員又はその職にあつた者がその職務に関して知得した特許出願中の発明に関する秘密を漏らし、又は盗用したときは、一年以下の懲役又は五十万円以下の罰金に処する。
Article 200 A present or former official of the Patent Office who has divulged or appropriated any secret relating to an invention claimed in a pending patent application that has become known to him/her in the course of performing his/her duties shall be punished by imprisonment with work for a term not exceeding one year or a fine not exceeding 500,000 yen.
(Crime of breach of protective order)
第二百条の二 秘密保持命令に違反した者は、五年以下の懲役若しくは五百万円以下の罰金に処し、又はこれを併科する。
Article 200-2 A person who fails to comply with a protective order shall be punished by imprisonment with work for a term not exceeding five years or a fine not exceeding 5,000,000 yen or combination thereof.
2 前項の罪は、告訴がなければ公訴を提起することができない。
(2) The prosecution of the crime under the preceding paragraph may not be initiated unless a complaint is filed.
3 第一項の罪は、日本国外において同項の罪を犯した者にも適用する。
(3) The crime under paragraph (1) shall apply to a person who commits the crime outside Japan.
(Dual liability)
第二百一条 法人の代表者又は法人若しくは人の代理人、使用人その他の従業者が、その法人又は人の業務に関し、次の各号に掲げる規定の違反行為をしたときは、行為者を罰するほか、その法人に対して当該各号で定める罰金刑を、その人に対して各本条の罰金刑を科する。
Article 201 Where a representative of a juridical person or an agent, employee or other worker of a juridical person or an individual has committed in the course of performing his/her duties for the juridical person or individual, any act in violation prescribed in the following items, in addition to the offender, the juridical person shall be punished by a fine as provided in the corresponding item and the individual shall be punished by a fine as provided in the Article prescribed in the corresponding item:
一 第百九十六条、第百九十六条の二又は前条第一項 三億円以下の罰金刑
(i) Article 196, Article 196-2 or 200-2(1), a fine not exceeding 300 million yen; and
二 第百九十七条又は第百九十八条 一億円以下の罰金刑
(ii) Article 197 or 198, a fine not exceeding 100 million yen.
2 前項の場合において、当該行為者に対してした前条第二項の告訴は、その法人又は人に対しても効力を生じ、その法人又は人に対してした告訴は、当該行為者に対しても効力を生ずるものとする。
(2) In the case of the preceding paragraph, the complaint under Article 200-2(2) against the offender shall have effect on the juridical person or individual and the complaint against the juridical person or individual shall have effect on the offender.
3 第一項の規定により第百九十六条、第百九十六条の二又は前条第一項の違反行為につき法人又は人に罰金刑を科する場合における時効の期間は、これらの規定の罪についての時効の期間による。
(3) Where a fine is imposed on a juridical person or individual under Article 200-2(1) with regard to a violation of Article 196, 196-2 or 200-2(1), the period of prescription shall be governed by the same rules as for crimes in the provisions thereof.
(Civil fine)
第二百二条 第百五十一条(第七十一条第三項及び第百七十四条第一項から第三項までにおいて準用する場合を含む。)において準用する民事訴訟法第二百七条第一項の規定により宣誓した者が特許庁又はその嘱託を受けた裁判所に対し虚偽の陳述をしたときは、十万円以下の過料に処する。
Article 202 Where a person who has sworn under Article 207(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure as applied under Article 151 (including its application under Articles 71(3), and 174(1) to (3) of this Act) has made a false statement before the Patent Office or a court commissioned thereby, the said person shall be punished by a civil fine not exceeding 100,000 yen.
第二百三条 この法律の規定により特許庁又はその嘱託を受けた裁判所から呼出しを受けた者が、正当な理由がないのに出頭せず、又は宣誓、陳述、証言、鑑定若しくは通訳を拒んだときは、十万円以下の過料に処する。
Article 203 A person(s) who has been summoned by the Patent Office or a court commissioned thereby in accordance with this Act, and fails to appear or refuses to swear, make a statement, testify, give an expert opinion or interpret without a justifiable reason shall be punished by a civil fine not exceeding 100,000 yen.
第二百四条 証拠調又は証拠保全に関し、この法律の規定により特許庁又はその嘱託を受けた裁判所から書類その他の物件の提出又は提示を命じられた者が正当な理由がないのにその命令に従わなかつたときは、十万円以下の過料に処する。
Article 204 A person(s) who has been ordered by the Patent Office or a court commissioned thereby to submit or present documents or other materials for the purpose of examination or preservation of evidence in accordance with this Act and fails to comply with the order without a justifiable reason shall be punished by a civil fine not exceeding 100,000 yen.
別表 (第百九十五条関係)
Appended Table (In relation to Article 195)
A person(s) who shall pay fees
A person filing a patent application (excluding one in the following item)
16,000 yen per case
A person filing a written application in foreign language
26,000 yen per case
A person responsible for the procedures under Article 184-5(1)
16,000 yen per case
A person responsible for the procedures under Article 184-20(1)
16,000 yen per case
A person filing an application for the registration of extension of the duration of a patent right
74,000 yen per case
A person requesting an examination of an application
168,600 yen per case plus 4,000 yen per claim
A person amending a description, scope of claims or drawings through the submission of a statement of correction of incorrect translation
19,000 yen per case
A person requesting an advisory opinion under Article 71(1)
40,000 yen per case
A person requesting an award
55,000 yen per case
A person requesting canceling of an award
27,500 yen per case
A person filing a request for a trial or retrial (excluding one in the following item)
49,500 yen per case plus 5,500 yen per claim
A person filing a request for a trial against an examiner’s decision of refusal of the registration of extension of the duration of a patent right, a trial for invalidation of the registration of extension of the duration of a patent right, or a retrial against the final and binding trial examiner’s decision in these trials.
55,000 yen per case
A person filing a request for a correction of the description, scope of claim(s) or drawing(s) (excluding cases where, by a request for such correction, the reqeust for a correction trial is deemed to have been withdrawn under Article 134-3(4))
49,500 yen per case plus 5,500 yen per claim
A person applying intervention in a trial or retrial.
55,000 yen per case
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